Course Format
Personal Leadership is hosted on our online learning platform. You will access the course content there and can work through it at your own pace. You can choose to take the full 12-week programme, which includes energy management, life balance and personal charter, or take individual 6-week modules.
The 12-week schedule for the full programme is designed to give you time to work through the exercises, put your actions into practice and reflect more deeply in your coaching sessions. This will allow you to test, reflect upon and adjust your actions to ensure they provide the best solution for you. The course layout helps you discover, practice and build the habits that will enable you to succeed; our coaching will guide and encourage you along your journey.
Coaching takes places via video call. Although Zoom is our preferred option, we can use other video conferencing technology. On the full, 12-week 1:1 programme, you will benefit from 10 x 30-minute personal coaching sessions which are spaced throughout the course. For group coaching, you will have 10 x 1-hour coaching sessions led by our expert coaches. This enables you to explore each module in greater depth, or focus on the issues that are most relevant for you at the time. For 6-week courses, you will receive six coaching sessions.
Please note, you do not need a group before signing up for the group coaching programme - we can arrange that for you once you've signed up.

Course Schedule
The full Personal Leadership programme has 10 modules, as outlined below. You will work through your exercises online, reflect on your discoveries, identify key actions to put into practice and review your experience in a coaching session at the end of each module. Schedules for our other programmes can be found here.
Welcome & Introduction
An introduction to Personal Leadership where you will set your intended outcomes for the programme and have your first coaching session.
Energy Management
Identify your energy boosters and busters and learn to manage your energy better with our Energiser Habit Former.
Reflect on your life balance by considering eight key elements of your life as they are now, and the actions that will help you improve and better balance your life.
The first 'R' in the 6Rs framework that builds your Personal Charter. This module will help you consider the reason, or purpose, that drives you.
The values you choose to live and work by. Your values should guide your actions so the exercises will help you both identify and test your values.
What are the results you want to achieve? Create your own vision board and the cover story of your success!
Reflect on the roles you enjoy most and least, how they serve you and what you can learn to improve them.
Map your key relationships, identify actions to improve them and build an empathy map to get more from the relationships that matter most to you.
Review your strengths and passions. Consider times where you experience flow and the passions that have built across your life. Explore your strengths and receive feedback from online tools and people you know to verify and challenge your own understanding. Also consider what you can learn from others to help you on your journey.
Summarise your Personal Charter, define your key actions and create your one-page roadmap that will guide you towards your vision.